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NSC: 2015 May be Deadliest Driving Year since 2007

October 26th, 2015 at 7:00 am

deadliest driving year, Westport Personal Injury AttorneyThe first six months of this year has put 2015 on its way to being the most deadly driving year this country has had since 2007, according to statistics recently released by the National Safety Council (NSC). Between the months of January through June, there were almost 19,000 people killed in vehicle accidents. Another 2.2 million were injured.

Secondary to the tragic loss of life in these accidents is the increase in costs. The financial toll has spiked almost 25 percent higher than last year, with fatalities, injuries and damage to property already hitting $152 billion.

Two factors were cited as possible reasons for the increase. Lower gas prices—30 percent lower than last year—mean more people are on the roads. A lower unemployment rate also means an increase in vehicles on the road. People are better able to afford to travel and take vacations.

The NSC recommends that drivers take the following steps to ensure everyone stays safe on the nation’s roads:

  • Insist that all passengers—including the driver—use their seat belts every time they get in the vehicle, no matter how short the trip. In fact, statistics show time and time again that the majority of vehicle accidents occur less than five miles from home.
  • If you are going to a place where there will be drinking, make sure to have a designated driver. Never assume you are okay to drive after having any amount of alcohol. One in three traffic fatalities occur in alcohol-related crashes.
  • Prior to driving, make sure to get plenty of rest. If you are feel drowsy while behind the wheel, pull over to a safe spot. Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Estimates indicate that approximately 5,000 fatal crashes happen every year because a person was driving when he or she was too tired and should not have been behind the wheel.
  • Do not use a cell phone while driving. Even using a hands-free device can still cause enough of a distraction for a driver to take his or her eyes off of the road.

If you have been injured in a vehicle crash caused by a negligent driver, please contact an experienced Westport personal injury attorney to find out what legal recourse you may have for your pain and loss.


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